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5 Critical Dilemmas Facing the Modern Digital Marketer

Digital marketers face constant pressure to be ahead of...

5 Steps How Marketing Leaders Succeed with Digital Work Management

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7 Habits of High-Performance Marketing Teams

Why your marketers need to create productive habits With constant...

Accelerate and secure your SDLC with DevSecOps

In the past security was often pushed to the end of the software development life cycle (SDLC).

As hacks have become more prevalent, more costly, and more difficult to detect, security has become of top-line importance to teams.

Driving the adoption of DevSecOps is the need for teams to maintain innovation at speed and establish a competitive differentiation that maintains and accelerates market share.

In this ebook, Sumo Logic Security and Observability Field CTOs take a practical look at the tactical steps you can take at each phase of the SDLC to transform your team into an elite DevSecOps performer.

  • Phase 1: Planning and exploration
  • Phase 2: Coding
  • Phase 3: Building
  • Phase 4: Testing
  • Phase 5: Deploy and runtime

When your team has to go from requirements to production in a day — and do it safely and securely — DevSecOps is the path that gets you there.

Download the ebook to start taking a more unified approach to securing and innovating your software releases.

Download Accelerate and secure your SDLC with DevSecOps Whitepaper



The business value of API security

Uncover malicious API activity to decrease the potential of...

Accelerate digital transformation in the chemical industry

Industry insights Chemical manufacturing companies and other process manufacturers everywhere...


Securely support from anywhere Companies and customers are growing increasingly...

Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Dell Technologies with VMware Tanzu and Intel

The Solution: Dell Technologies with VMware Tanzu and Intel Cloud-native...



The business value of API security

Uncover malicious API activity to decrease the potential of a major security breach There is no way around it – study after study shows that...

Accelerate digital transformation in the chemical industry

Industry insights Chemical manufacturing companies and other process manufacturers everywhere are looking for ways to increase productivity and worker safety while making their operations more...


Securely support from anywhere Companies and customers are growing increasingly concerned about security in today’s digital-first world. Malicious actors have upped their game and cyberthreats...