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5 Critical Dilemmas Facing the Modern Digital Marketer

Digital marketers face constant pressure to be ahead of...

5 Steps How Marketing Leaders Succeed with Digital Work Management

It’s no surprise that the marketing industry continues to...

7 Habits of High-Performance Marketing Teams

Why your marketers need to create productive habits With constant...


The business value of API security

Uncover malicious API activity to decrease the potential of a major security breach There is no way around it – study after study shows that...

Accelerate digital transformation in the chemical industry

Industry insights Chemical manufacturing companies and other process manufacturers everywhere are looking for ways to increase productivity and worker safety while making their operations more...


Securely support from anywhere Companies and customers are growing increasingly concerned about security in today’s digital-first world. Malicious actors have upped their game and cyberthreats...

PULSE REPORT Virtual Support Agent Strategies for Today’s Hybrid Workforce

Gatepoint Research and Espressive surveyed senior decision makers across a broad range of industries to understand how IT has responded to supporting a hybrid...

Five Reasons to Integrate Espressive Barista with ServiceNow

ServiceNow has focused on transforming IT back-office processes, including a ticketing system that has helped service desk agents be more productive. That is likely...

Justify Your Insider Threat Program

Security professionals have long struggled to demonstrate the return on investment of their security spend, and getting sign off for an insider threat program...

Why PMOs Trust Wrike: 21 Project Management Use Cases

Learn how Wrike helps PMOs prioritize and execute work Project kickoff, resource management, time tracking, scenario planning, and more. PMOs and project managers need versatile...

The Digital Marketers Guide: How To Drive Success at the Tactical Level

Whether your goal is to generate leads, improve conversion rates, or boost a brand’s online presence, you need digital marketing “chops.” Digital marketing skills...

How to Avoid the 8 Pitfalls of Marketing Campaign Planning

Planning a marketing campaign is a complex, timeintensive process that involves coordinating multiple individuals and teams in a tightly scripted effort. In addition, today’s...

Accelerate and secure your SDLC with DevSecOps

In the past security was often pushed to the end of the software development life cycle (SDLC). As hacks have become more prevalent, more costly,...

Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring and Observability

Sumo Logic named a Challenger in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for APM and Observability "Gartner expects the market for APM products to reach an...

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The business value of API security

Uncover malicious API activity to decrease the potential of...

Accelerate digital transformation in the chemical industry

Industry insights Chemical manufacturing companies and other process manufacturers everywhere...


Securely support from anywhere Companies and customers are growing increasingly...

Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Dell Technologies with VMware Tanzu and Intel

The Solution: Dell Technologies with VMware Tanzu and Intel Cloud-native...

CrowdStreet Case Study

Our Solution: Seamless CRM integration & proactive customization CrowdStreet chose...